
It’s the Fourth of July weekend. There are a lot of celebrations all around. People are hustling to the beaches and beginning long awaited vacations. I always think about barbeques, fireworks, boating, and get togethers on this holiday. Today I wanted to take just a minute to reflect and say Thank You!

We are very priviledged to live in this country. We should be thankful for the fact that we have freedom. Freedom of speech, choice, and equal rights. We are truly blessed and I feel that often times we take these rights for granted.

Anything worth having is worth fighting and standing up for. If it weren’t for the brave men and women that fight for us every day, we would no longer have these rights. To them, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. All of our law enforcement people need a shout out as well. All of you put you lives on the line every day for me and countless others. I applaud and am thankful for your services.

As a nation, we could be great. Yet we stand divided. We hurt our fellow man just because we don’t like his opinions. People are shot and killed every day for their beliefs or possessions. We watch people burn our flag and stomp all over it. This is not okay! What message does this send to our enemies? Believe me, they are watching and waiting. It’s time for us to get together and treat our fellow man with kindness, love, and respect.

Whether you like it or not, Donald Trump is President of the United States. As a nation it’s time to get on board and support this nation again. It’s a bit pathetic listening to all the whining and complaining at this point. It’s not accomplishing anything! If you want to be part of this country, figure a way to get your point across and try to help! If you don’t like this country……..then leave!!!!!

So, when your out this weekend, enjoying your parties, or watching fireworks take a moment. Think about why you are able to do these things! Be thankful for the people that put their lives on the line every day to give you this privilege. Do something nice for your fellow man. Be kind and smile at a stranger. It can be contagious!

Have a wonderful 4th of July and let freedom ring.  Stand up for truth, liberty, and justice, for all. Enjoy your loved ones and stay safe out there. I wish you all a happy holiday.

Til next time,

Ciao xoxo